Thursday, June 11, 2015

Brand Positioning of Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Company, founded in 1886, is the world leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages. It currently operates in over 200 countries worldwide and is most famous for the innovative soft drink, ‘Coca-Cola’. It is one of the most visible companies in the world. Their Coca-Cola product is now available all over the world and has resulted in the drink becoming the world’s favorite soft drink. But how has this been achieved and how does Coca-Cola continue to hold their position in the soft drinks market?

Coca Cola has strategically positioned itself within the world soft drink market. It faces a vital question: does it have to keep the same positioning or to adapt according to the 200 countries where the brand sells its products. The brand has understood this principle while ago: “think global, act local”. Coca is thus willing to keep the same core product which is coke, but it adapts the offer to local needs. They use strategic positioning in order to have the same image all around the world, which is a success because it is perceived today as a part of daily life everywhere. This perception of the brand by the consumer leads to a high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decision more automatic. Consumers basically associate this brand with emotions. When the name of Coke is mentioned, the first thing that comes into mind is fun and entertainment.

Coca-Cola has positioned itself very well to take advantage of growing non-alcoholic beverages worldwide.  Coca-Cola is exhibiting strong international growth, especially in the developing world.  The company has performed well through 2014 the first half of 2014, with solid top and bottom line growth throughout its various operating regions.

Coca Cola have engineered the #shareacoke campaign to land directly into the palms of the social media youth. They chose the 250 most common names with teens and young adults – names such as Susan and Brenda have been rejected to pave the way for names such as Daryl and three different spellings of the name Abbie. Coca Cola wanted their personalized bottles to be talked about widely on social media, and their engaging marketing ploy has worked enormously which has positioned this brand in the hearts of the consumers.

'Coca-Cola's' brand personality reflects the positioning of its brand. Positioning is in the mind of the consumer and can be described as how the product is considered by that consumer. When researching the positioning of a product, consumers are often asked how they would describe that product if it were a person. Coca cola has positioned itself as a part of their daily life. This affinity between the brand and the consumer leads to a high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decision easier. From the births of this brand and till now Coca cola kept on changing its logo slogans which helped them to better position the brand and adapt to the fast changing world.


Coca cola is well known and well established brand around the world there is a little scope of improvement about the brand. But it is true that Coca cola is not very healthy for our body so i think its time for coca cola to take a step forward and try to make it a bit healthy without effecting it's taste.
